“What the Heck, Hector!”
The world’s smallest Dolphin species consists of two subspecies: Hector’s and Maui. Both are in trouble, but the Critically Endangered Maui may have only 50 left compared to the Hector’s at somewhere around 15,000. Therefore, in this poem, the Hector’s gets hijacked, but I’m sure will not mind at all.
For more information visit Maui and Hector’s Dolphin Defenders: https://www.mauihectorsdolphins.org.nz
New Zealand Whale and Dolphin Trust
Māori Words (Māori Dictionary et al)
Taonga: treasure (in this context)
Tino taonga: indispensible
Kaitiaki: guardians
Te Ika a Maui: North Island of New Zealand